Hillside Harvest is a small cooperative running a community allotment garden. I became involved for two main reasons - to enjoy vegetables I had grown and to meet new friends. So far so straight forward. But why the blog?
Once I had visited Lotti - the affectionate name members give to where the growing takes place - I realised it was more than an allotment. Sure, it has all the features you'd expect of an allotment. There's the raised beds, the compost bins, the shed and the polytunnel. Even though it was towards the end of the growing season there was plenty of evidence of vegetables being grown and the inevitable fight with weeds that every gardener faces.

This is my attempt to record what goes on at Hillside Harvest on a regular basis. I'd like to introduce some of the members and explain why its a special place. I'll be inviting people to share their insights - on gardening and community - and you'll get to see how the produce is used by the members.
Of course the best way to find out is to come down yourself and experience it first hand. If you're thinking about growing your own vegetables but are daunted by the prospect of a full plot then this is the perfect place to start. If you've got comments, tips or recipes then it would be great to hear from you. This is the start of my journey with Hillside Harvest. I'm inviting you to share it with me.